Welcome to New Square But Bring Your Own Toilet

porta potty on wheelsThe cult enclave of the Skvere Rebbe (David Twersky), the incorporated New York State Village of New Square, likes to brag about their hospitality and kindness (chesed). This is often invoked to mitigate their off-putting habits like torching their dissidents, stealing from the government, and protecting their molesters.

As a legally incorporated village they have their own village court complete with their own judges, the Dishonorable Stuart Salles and the Dishonorable Benjamin Hager. I call them “dishonorable,” because they signal to victims, through the Rockland DA, Thomas Zugibe, that the courage to testify in a trial is pointless because they will still dispense the minimum sentence allowed. This leads victims to acquiesce to sweetheart plea bargains. These judges are fully bought and owned by the Skver leadership whose endorsements virtually guarantee election. Candidates endorsed by the Skver leadership consistently win over 90% of the vote. In fact, the Rebbe’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton when she was running for the U. S. Senate in 2,000 secured her over 99% of the vote!

The Dishonorable Stuart Salles

The Dishonorable Stuart Salles

The hospitality of Skver does not extend to those who report on abuse or support victims of abuse. One reporter, far along in her pregnancy, was denied the use of their bathroom facilities. When she managed to find an unmarked, unlocked bathroom she was told they would charge her with trespassing if she used it Continue reading