Update on the Meisels Seminaries Scandals

I will be posting more about the latest developments in the Meisels seminaries scandal. But before heading into Passover I want to quickly note JBlog Review’s observation about the latest post on Daniel Eidensohn’s Daas Torah Blog, which has always been the voice of Meisels and guilty seminary staff as argued by Rabbi Chaim Malinowitz. Their agenda has always been to minimize acknowledging Meisels’ sexual abuse (even though he faces civil court charges of rape and attempted rape by two of his alumni).

JBlog Review notes that the latest posting by Eidensohn continues his pattern of very selective leaking. When Eidensohn put up the joint psak a few weeks ago he omitted the dissents and the explanation notes and translation. (I did provide a full, accurate translation). Now Eidensohn attempts to defend the staff by putting out the opinion of a minority of minority. Malinowitz and Shafran wrote a dissenting opinion, and then Malinowitz wrote a dissent from the dissent. That is what Eidensohn presents. Even with all this selectivity, Malinowitz concedes some guilt by M[eisels]. I will have more to say after the first days of Yom Tov.

Chag Sameach to all my readers.

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